Home Studio

Home Studio

We visit your place!

You would like to book one of our offers being held at your home or in a location of your choice? Oder deinem Kind ein besonderes Geburtstagsgeschenk voll von buntem Gestaltungsfreiraum bereiten?

Then BLATT und PINSEL will be happy to come to your premises.

Je nach Alter der Kinder bieten wir vor Ort einen Play’ with paint oder Art & Expression Studio Workshop an.

Ideal eignen sich Gemeinschaftsräume (beispielsweise in Wohnprojekten) oder auch leere Werkstätten – everything that offers a few square meters of free space that can be used for expressing oneself artistically with full physical play. There is a waterproof tarpaulin under our laid-out paper webs, to protect the floor. We also work with easily cleanable - and washable selfmade food paint. Still, it's more ideal, wenn der Boden nicht extrem heikel ist und ein paar Spuren bunter Füßchen aushält. Wir können keine Haftung bei Farbspritzern und Abnützungserscheinungen auf Wänden, For a more detailed description of the Home Studio click here.

Depending on, the offer you choose and on the number of participants, a certain minimum of room size is required.

Approximate minimum room size per number of participants (children + adult companions):

  • 6 – 8: 15m2 free area
  • 8 – 10: 20m2 free area
  • 10 – 12: 25m2 free area

Please make sure to wear clothes that can get colorful and have extra clothes for changing ready, so that nothing stands in the way of free creative experience and action, - even for the big ones! The colors we use are completely washable.


Flat rate: 150€
Block (5 units): 650€
Das Material ist im Preis inkludiert.
Siblings under 10 Months can be included for free

The best thing to do is to write us an email office@blattundpinsel.at and we discuss the details!