Space for creative spontaneity and mindful moments can also be given away - for little artists and free spirits of 10 months to 6 Years including accompaniment - because being colorful is simply good for you!
Often, parents are challenged on many different levels. Now this often affects children equally. A BLATT und BRUSH voucher can give an impetus here, to consciously take the time to linger in a moment full of colorful lightness. Playful moments with paint and paper can create space to take a deep breath and let go, so that an experience with all the senses becomes possible again without the inner censor having to restrict the creative possibilities. Exploring and trying things out in free design and doing promotes conscious experience. As a birthday present or as a gift in between - A LEAF and BRUSH voucher gives creative joy and ease!

Choose from our offers which offer you would like to give away and we will send you the voucher by e-mail to print out. Die Workshops werden danach vorab von der*dem Beschenkte*n in unseren Aktuellen Angeboten gebucht - depending on your desire, whim and time resources.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by email

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Give creative freedom and colorful lightness!

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